
Webinar Recap: How Companies Use Product Digitization to Change Consumer Behavior

July 17, 2023

As environmentally responsible and profitable business strategies continue to be a top priority, companies like Patagonia and Reckitt have proven that it is possible to successfully achieve both concepts. An important way to meet these goals is by involving the customer.

In a recent webinar, “How Patagonia and Reckitt Are Amplifying Positive Brand Impact through Product Digitization,” executives from Patagonia, Reckitt, and Digimarc discussed how they have successfully shifted consumer behaviors by integrating creative product digitization approaches.

Patagonia’s Digital Hang Tag Program

Patagonia was inserting over 20 different unique hang tags into each product to explain the benefits, product features, and the environmental efforts involved in creating the product with their customers.

They realized these customized inserts took almost a year to create across the various Patagonia teams and decided that they wanted to reduce the time, material, and cost of producing the tags.

Patagonia moved to a front-and-back hang tag that includes a QR code meant for a global audience. Using Digimarc Engage, the QR code is dynamically redirected so each customer lands on relevant content designed specifically for their local geographical region.

The hang tag digitization program allowed Patagonia to:

  • Continue educating customers and expand communication at the point-of-sale; since the beginning of 2023, customers are scanning the QR code 600 times a day.
  • Save 40 million hang tags from the landfill every season, equaling 170,000 pounds of paper.
  • Drive more efficient use of internal resources.
  • Eliminate the need to physically reprint packaging since all updates could now be made digitally.
"The engagement with our hang tags continues to grow. We now have real-time data points that show exactly what products our customers are engaging with most, which we didn’t have before. This has allowed us to shift our conversations with customers."

-Jennifer Patrick, Global Packaging & Branding Director, Patagonia


Reckitt’s Finish Dishwasher Tabs and the Journey of Water Campaign

A Reckitt product packaging campaign highlights how dishwashers are much more water efficient than handwashing dishes and each component of the campaign ties back to the theme that saving water affects individuals, communities, and the world.

The Finish dishwasher soap package includes a QR code, powered by Digimarc Engage, that consumers can scan upon purchase, at various times when using the product, or at the end of the product’s lifecycle. Scanning the QR code takes users to the brand’s website, which allows Reckitt to track metrics and learn how consumers interact with the brand.

Product digitization has provided a much richer user experience with gamification and engages the consumer long after they have purchased the product. The company created a game called Water Warrior to educate users about their water usage within their immediate environment, while also rewarding them with coupons.

“Reckitt, as a major consumer packaged goods (CPG) business with a global footprint, has a responsibility to the people, the planet, and its shareholders. By highlighting the amount of water that a customer uses in everyday household tasks, we can hopefully categorize them as a ‘Water Warrior,’ ultimately asking the consumer to become part of the brand’s sustainability fight, which is important in helping people feel like they are making a difference.”

-Jos Harrison, Global Head of Brand Experience & Design, Reckitt


Register Today

Learn how product digitization can influence your customer’s behaviors, create a bridge between the physical and digital world, and integrate customized content to gain powerful data when you register for this free, on-demand webinar.

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