
Visit the Lab: How Code Becomes Color

May 05, 2021

If the history of the barcode makes one thing clear, it’s that innovative change is constant in the retail and consumer packaged goods ecosystem. Today’s innovations include connected packaging, the ability for packaging to be read by machines as varied as consumer phones and retail barcode scanners.

Digimarc Barcode is the next-stage of barcode evolution. It provides retailers and brands with a barcode that is added directly to packaging artwork and is largely imperceptible to consumers. Although the concept is fairly easy to appreciate—the product, not just the UPC, now becomes a machine-readable barcode—the technology is supported by complex ideas from advanced color science, digital watermarking and barcode scanning technology.

To illustrate “the magic” of Digimarc Barcode, we’ve assembled the Digimarc Lab, a webpage of several easy-to-understand, fun-to-use interactive tools. Our aim is demonstrating in intuitive ways how we are able to make our barcodes a seamless part of packaging artwork and images.

See for yourself:

  • How we work with color
  • How we apply codes to packaging artwork
  • What retail barcode scanners “see” when they read Digimarc Barcode
  • How we protect your images

Visit the Digimarc Lab page now and learn how Digimarc Barcode works.

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